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Canvas Wizard

A concentrated program that is designed for students to enhance their creativity and painting skills. Various exciting themes are introduced in class for discussions and explorations. Students get to experience and understand many different techniques and styles of paintings, with the use of multiple art tools such as brushes, sponges and palette knives.

Our curriculum includes Colour Theory, various painting techniques and styles and knowledge of art tools.

 Teacher : Students Ratio 

1 : 5


 Deliverables for Each Term 

3 canvas artworks


Age 6 & up

 Class duration 

90 mins



(Please check with us on availability of classes)

Wednesdays to Fridays

2:30pm to 4:00pm

4:30pm to 6:00pm

7:00pm to 8:30pm



Saturdays and Sundays

9:00am to 10:30am

11:00am to 12:30pm

1:30pm to 3:00pm

3:30pm to 5:00pm



Each term consists of 10 lessons.

One time registration fees is applicable.

A T-shirt, Apron, & Bag will be given to new sign ups.


 Art Supplies 

Due to hygiene concerns, students are required to bring their own supplies.

Canvas Wizard Art Set is available for purchase at our studio.



PAssioncard at OTH (1st time) / NTUC linkpoints at DTE / Activesg Wallet at HBB / siblings enjoy 5% off Term fees.

(Promotion are valid for a limited period and subject to change without prior notice)


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